Coolest Office Spaces: Suffolk brings its ‘build smart’ promise to life in downtown Tampa’s Channel district

by | Mar 22, 2019

Tampa Bay Business Journal

Suffolk is a construction management company that provides pre-construction, construction management, design-build, and general contracting services to clients in many sectors, including health care, education, science and technology, government and commercial. 

Located in the Channel district, Suffolk’s office opened in 2017 and is an extension of its “build smart” promise to clients, according to Suffolk’s Coolest Office Spaces submission.

“To build smart means to think differently, collaborate amongst each other and push the boundaries of what is possible,” according to its submission. The company’s vision has three strategies: people, innovation and community which it says can be seen through the office’s style. 

Cubicles were not an option. Instead, an open concept was set up, allowing teams to be closer and foster a collaborative environment. Giant whiteboards were installed for note-taking on the fly, and a series of various-sized open collaboration spaces were installed to encourage impromptu brainstorm sessions and more casual meetings.

Throughout the office is a bright and bold palette that matches Suffolk’s brand colors — red, yellow, blue and gray. 


Date of completed renovation: January 2017

Design firm: BDG Architects

Property owner: Strategic Property Partners

Architecture firm: BDG Architects

Construction firm: Suffolk

Square footage: 4,400 square feet with the Smart Lab expansion adding another 2,200 square feet of space

Floor count: One

Employees: 48


Address: 615 Channelside Drive, Suite 102, Tampa

Industry: Construction/building




Twitter: @SuffolkBuilds

Read more here.