Fifth Third to open Chicago flagship branch – minus teller windows

by | Jun 26, 2019

Fifth Third Bank is about to open their new location at the Willis Tower in Chicago featuring our brand new next-gen branch design!

The 2,400-square-foot Chicago banking center is about half the size of the previous 5,000-square-foot branch Fifth Third had in the Willis Tower. The new branch style doesn’t require as much space.

The most noticeable difference is the lack of teller windows. Instead, open meeting spaces are available. Bankers can walk around and work with customers in several locations. High and low tables are available, as well as semi-private and private meeting rooms. Employees can complete transactions from anywhere. No more meeting with an employee and then being told to wait in the teller line to complete a transaction.

“Our new branch design fosters conversations so that we can help our customers make the best decisions for themselves and their families,” Brian Lamb, Fifth Third’s new head of retail, said in a news release. “We know that while our customers are banking online more and more often, our branches are still important to them.” Read more on this article in the Cincinnati Business Courier here.